Day 1: Mauna to Luna!
What a beautiful day it was on Earth this morning, as though the heavens were saying a proper goodbye to this crew of 6 who courageously signed up for the EMMIHS-III mission to the Moon.

We used volcanic propulsion from powerful Mauna Loa to launch our rocket and reached the Moon by noon, where we were graciously welcomed by the all-female Sensoria crew, who were just about to leave the base. We also had a space tourist with us - a journalist from who recorded the ceremonial handing over of the HI-SEAS habitat.

The new crew is extremely excited, despite the "rocket-lag", and the day was filled equally with serious work and joyful laughter. Before leaving, the previous crew also trained us on several topics, such as the instruments on board, running EVAs, power-management and on the utilization of the most advanced form of toilet technology available to lunar astronauts in the year 2020.

The first dinner reconstructed from dehydrated food was prepared in the Moonbase: turkey curry and rice! Lead Scientist M. Heemskerk and Executive Officer P. Rajkakati showed their culinary skills (especially in camouflaging an excessively salty powdered chicken stock). All was not well however, as we also detected a water problem. Commander Musilova reassured us our situation did not merit as much panic so instead we sat down and brainstormed on solutions to preserve water. Chief Engineer L. Brasileiro tested out the use of bucket despite lunar gravity for taking a bath - it worked fine!

Day 1 has indeed been very eventful and equally exhausting. Head of Rover Operations, R. Heemskerk, and Science & Communications Officer, K. Edison, cannot seem to wait to try out the Helalani rover from PISCES on the lunar terrain. The entire crew is looking forward to the coming two weeks.
With this we conclude this first day on the Moon. Goodnight Earth!

P. Rajkakati, Executive Officer EMMIHS-III