The EMMIHS campaign is pleased to acknowledge the generous support of our partners and sponsors.
EMMIHS-III Sponsors:

Research, training and technology transfer are the three missions of the Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT). A public establishment created in Troyes in 1994, the UTT is today among the 10 most important engineering schools in France.

HE Space is a personnel service provider and human resources company specialised in the international space sector for more than 35 years. HE Space supports clients such as European Space Agency (ESA), Airbus Defence and Space, ArianeGroup, Eumetsat and DLR GfR with finding space experts like engineers, scientists, and other professionals for space projects and missions. HE Space does the matchmaking, relocation, onboarding, and human resources management. The international recruiting team is always looking for highly qualified applicants.
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Geometrics Inc., a subsidiary of OYO Corporation, has over 50 years of experience in manufacturing magnetic, seismic and EM instruments for a variety of land, sea and air investigations. From our land-based geophysical systems to our new UAV mounted MFAM MagArrow magnetometer, we manufacture equipment to meet our clients' ever-changing needs. We grow through creativity, invention, and innovation so you can too. Ask us how we can help you Simplify your search.
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ArianeGroup, formerly Airbus Safran Launchers is a joint venture of the European aerospace company Airbus and the French group Safran, with its three core businesses: aerospace, defence and security with the objective of development and subsequent production of Ariane 6.
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EMMIHS-II Sponsors:

RUAG develops trailblazing innovations and internationally sought after cutting-edge technology in the fields of aerospace and defence. By combining outstanding technological expertise with a high degree of foresight and responsibility, it creates the foundations for security and progress within society.
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Capable develops customer-specific specialty cables and connectors as well as systems for a broad diversity of applications in high-tech environments. Their market ranges from the incredible world of animation to aeronautics, space and defence through to life-saving medical devices.
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The Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), a government agency operating under the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications (MCTIC), is responsible for the formulation, coordination, and implementation of the Brazilian Space Policy. Since its establishment in February 1994, AEB has continued the efforts undertaken by the Brazilian Government to promote the autonomy of space access.
The National Policy for the Development of Space Activities (PNDAE) establishes objectives and guidelines for national space-related programs and projects and has the National Space Activities Program (PNAE) as its main planning tool.
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The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is the national funding institution for business-related research and development in Austria.
Promotions by the FFG make a significant contribution to generating new knowledge, developing new products and services, and thus being more competitive on the world market. They facilitate or facilitate the funding of research and innovation projects and thus help to cushion research risk. The FFG supports international networking and promotes scientific careers.
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Under the brand Ersa, the Kurtz Ersa corporation offers the complete technology necessary to provide permanently conductive connections. In the field of soft soldering, Ersa is one of the world´s largest suppliers, unifying the most comprehensive product range under one roof, e.g. stencil printers, wave and selective soldering machines.
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db-matik AG develops and optimizes production processes for the best efficiency. We deliver hardware and software for turnkey production lines and automation solutions. Precisely, high-quality and according to digital standards.
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MakerBot believes there's an innovator in everyone. As a global leader in desktop 3D printing, they set the standard in reliability and ease-of-use by providing effective solutions for every stage of the desktop 3D printing process.
Founded in 2009, MakerBot was one of the first companies to make 3D printing accessible and affordable with our first 3D printer, the Cupcake CNC. In 2010, they became the first company to present a 3D printer at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). After being acquired by Stratasys in 2013, they introduced the first Wi-Fi connected desktop 3D printer in 2014.
Today, they are proud to both serve the largest install base of 3D printers worldwide and run the largest 3D design community in the world.
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Tridonic is a world-leading supplier of lighting technology, supporting its customers with intelligent hardware and software and offering the highest level of quality, reliability and energy savings. As a global driver of innovation in the field of lighting-based network technology, Tridonic develops scalable, future-oriented solutions that enable new business models for lighting manufacturers, building managers, systems integrators, planners and many other types of customers.
To promote the vision of the "Internet of Light", Tridonic relies on partnerships with other specialists. The goal is the joint development of innovative technological solutions that convert lighting systems into intelligent networks and thereby enable associated services. Its profound, technical industry expertise makes Tridonic an ideal partner for established brands and for newcomers to the market.
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The Reactor Institute Delft (RID) together with the department Radiation, Science & Technology (RST) has been the Dutch knowledge center for radiation-related research and education for over 50 years. With their knowledge and expertise they play an important role in fundamental and applied scientific research.
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How can you grow a fresh salad in a space station on Mars or the Moon? And what do you do with the plant remains and the poop? Do worms need bacteria, fungi and bumblebees to improve the soil and fertilize plants?
In Wageningen 'space farmers' are doing research on plant growth on the moon and Mars in the Food for Mars and moon project.
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The Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific (RCSSTEAP-China) was inaugurated at the Beihang University in Beijing, China in 2014. It is part of a series of Regional Centres for Space Science and Technology Education established worldwide within existing national/regional institutions in developing countries in response to the United Nation's General Assembly resolution 45/72.
The Centres assist Member States in enhancing indigenous capabilities in different areas of space science and technology that have the potential to advance social and economic development. The Centres are affiliated to the United Nations through a Memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs.
The RCSSTEAP-China Centre and Beihang University are offering independent Master fellowships on Remote Sensing & GIS, GNSS, and Space Law and Policy.
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